Community,  Henrico Fraternal Order of Police

Henrico Fraternal Order of Police shopping for Christmas presents with local kids Sunday

The Henrico Fraternal Order of Police is sponsoring its annual FOP Cops and Kids Christmas Program on December 4, 2016 at 8:00 a.m.  Approximately 75 kids from Henrico and New Kent Counties will meet at the Glen Allen Community Center and have breakfast with law enforcement officers from both jurisdictions.

At approximately 9:00 a.m., these police officers and kids will travel to the Wal-Mart located at 7901 Brook Road to begin their shopping excursion.  Each child will be paired up with a law enforcement officer.  A set amount of money will be allocated for each child.  Half of the money must be devoted to clothing and other essential items.  The rest of the money will be used by the child to purchase toys, games, and books of their choosing.  The Henrico FOP does not allow toy guns, mature rated movies and/or video games to be purchased at this event.

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