Henrico Fraternal Order of Police Lodge #4
Lodge #4 History
On November 23, 1953, ten members of the Henrico County Division of Police met in the facilities of John Marshall Lodge #2 at 517 East Main Street, Richmond, Virginia. The announced purpose of this meeting was to form what is now known as Henrico Lodge #4.
At that first meeting, Brother H. C. Terry, a member of John Marshall Lodge and the National Trustee, discussed with those assembled, what the next steps were to receive a charter.
These conditions were swiftly met and another meeting was held on November 25, 1953. At this meeting, the charter was received from Brother Terry and the members were given the oath of obligation. The following members were included on the charter:
J. R. Lindsey H. W. Henshaw Robert T. Harris Rueben A. Wiltshire Robert H. Beck George J. Doeppe Warren Brown |
E. T. Montgomery W. Frederick Day G. Thomas Tibbs Leslie T. Sheppard Clarence W. Wingo James A. Mitchell |
L. E. Browning William B. Hubbard Edward H. Ragsdale G. L. Gillen David W. Walker W. G. Samuels |
Officers were elected and duly installed, to serve through the end of 1954.
Officers 2017-2020

Jim Livingstone

Don Lambert
Vice President

Mark Domnick
2nd Vice President and Acting Chaplain

Ray Clemons
Sung Jung
Ray Guerin, Jr.
Sergeant at Arms
Larry Belviso
Tripp Hueston
Frank Hudak
Shawn Maxwell
Immediate Past President